Sunday, June 19, 2011

Meet Skye and Tim - Border Collies in the Burbs

We are two border collies living in a burb near Seattle and this is our first post about our adventures.  Naturally we need a little help from a human to post to the internet, but she will do her best to show you the world from our perspective.

I'm Skye,  a border collie or, more likely a border, collie mix. 

Skye the Border Collie

I was was born about 2006 and was doing just fine on my own until I was picked up by the dog catcher in Eastern Washington in the summer of 2008. I "did time" at a couple of shelters for several months before my people came to take me home with them.
And I'm Tim

Tim the Border Collie

I'm all border collie.  I was born about 2005 and also came from Eastern Washington where I had some livestock to herd back to the barn in the evening, but ended up needing a new home in 2009.  

We'll be posting about dog-friendly places to go and things to do in the Pacific Northwest.  

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